Don’t all advisors offer Cash Flow Planning?
We wish the answer to this question was a resounding yes….unfortunately that is simply not the case.
Only advisors who’ve sought out additional education on their own have knowledge in the area of cash flow or debt management can offer you a cash flow plan. And only Certified Cash Flow Specialists™ follow a standardized process and commit to regularly doing Cash Flow Plans.
An advisor who offers cash flow planning should be able to tell you about the specific training they’ve taken. To offer the type of results we provide, an advisor or planner would have to be trained as a Certified Cash Flow Specialist™. Many industry professionals talk the talk about spending or debt, but only those few who’ve taken their own time and money to really invest in a proven process offer true Cash Flow Planning.
Wondering if what you’ve got is really a Cash Flow Plan? Give us a call or visit our website today to schedule your FREE phone consult and let’s see how much money we can find you!
(289) 314-8784
Don G Turnbull
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